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SNT offers consulting services primarily within systems based on open source software, primarily related to Linux.

Database design
SNT can offer you help to analyze your data and establish a database structure that suits your data. After this step is complete, we jointly find a suitable solution based on open source software, e.g. to, for example, update data anywhere, or sell/present information to your customers.

Linux services
SNT has many years of experience (from year 1999 and onwards) in Linux configuration, both from internal operations and consulting assignments. We primarily work with Debian and Ubuntu, but also have expertise in other Linux and UNIX platforms. For example, we can offer support and consulting work with setting up database servers, web servers, mail servers, etc. for Linux at your company.

Web programming
SNT has experience in web programming, mainly in PHP and Perl, since 1999. For example, we have developed monitoring scripts, login systems and configured and customized content management systems (CMS).



  sntlogo   Swedish Networking Technologies AB
E-mail  Web site 556859-7834